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Author Guidelines

Title and Authors

The title and author(s) name should be in a separate document to allow for blind peer review.



The abstract should not be more than 150 words which must be in block. It should not be italicized. It should contain the objective, methodology, findings and conclusion.


The keywords shall be a maximum of 7 but not less than 5 to allow the Google and other search engines make the article accessible to international researchers and to improve the paper citation.

The Body of the Article

The body should contain five sections. The subsection should be in Arabic Numerals. The subsection should include:

Introduction – (Note: Author should make the introduction very clear and ensure the objectives are measurable).

Materials and methods

Results-(Note: After results are presented, Author should discuss the results).

Conclusion-(Note-Do not add the word ‘Recommendation’ to the conclusion section. Recommendation (if any) should be on its own).

Peer Review

The article submitted shall be subjected to a blind peer review. The author and the reviewers should not have prior knowledge of each other. Otherwise the article will be retracted


All articles submitted to the journal should be in MS word document. It should not be more than 12 pages in single line spacing and 12 fonts.


There shall be no processing fee for the BOUESTI Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology (JSET).


Since plagiarism is an academic fraud, the article shall be subjected to plagiarism test to keep the integrity and reputation of the journal.


In case the author is the sponsor of the article, the institution should be acknowledge in the manuscript. The acknowledgement should be put in a separate document (MS word).





All cited authors in the body of the articles must be on the reference list. When three or more authors are contained in the material used, all surnames of the authors should be cited at first citation. The second citation should be cited with first author and follow by et al. and date e.g. Olalekan et al. (2020). Potential authors must adhere strictly to use APA style of referencing. For easy citation and to afford plagiarism, the editor suggests that the authors should employ endnote software.


Examples of Reference List

Book Publication

Beeker. G. (1964). Human Capital, 2nd edn. New York: Columbia Press


Byrne, D. (2005). Social

exclusion. UK: McGraw-Hill Education Koutsoyiannis. A. (1973). Theory of Econometrics New York: Harper & Row.


Journal Articles

Achumba, I.C. Ighomereho, O.S. & Akpor-Robaro, M.O.M. (2013). Security Challenges in

Nigeria and the implications for business activities and sustainable development. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development. 4(2). 79-99.


Adeoti, A.I. (2014). Trend and determinants of multidimensional poverty in rural Nigeria. Journal  of Development and Agricultural Economics, 6(5). 220-231.



Adewale, M. (2017 The Guardian, July 25). Nigeria has highest number of out-of-school children.


Retrieved from http://guardian .ng/news/Nigeria-has-has-highest-number-out-of-school-children/?F


Chapter in Book

Ahmed, A.U. Hill, R.V., Smith, L.C. & Frankenberger, T. (2009). The poorest and hungry:

characteristics and causes. In J.V. Braun, R.V. Hill, & R, Pandya-Lorch (Eds.), The poorest and hungry assessments, Washington, DC (pp.107-128). Washington DC, USA: Taylor & Francis.


Online Materials

Anderson, A, Engvall, A., & Koko, A. (2006). Determinants of poverty in LAO, PDR: SIDA,

            Department for policy and Methodology. Retrieved from


Working Paper

Handley, G. Higgins, K, Sharma, B., Bird, K, & Cammark, D. (2009) Poverty and poverty

reduction in Sub-saharan Africa: An overview of the issues (working Paper 299). Oversees development institute retrieved from



Material without Date

USAID (n.d). Kenya: Country Profile. Retrieved from


Tables and Figures

The tables and figures should be prepared according to APA format. The tables should be self-explanatory. It should contain the Arabic numerals having title at the Top for Tables and below case of Figure. The figure should be abbreviated to Fig. 1 in the order of the Figures. If colour of Figure is necessary for printing, the author shall pay additional for colour printing.


Consent and Ethical Clearance

In case an article has two or more authors, the journal demands that a consent statement should be made while submitting the article. If the author(s) carried out a research involving human or animal, an ethical clearance should be obtained.

Submission Preparation Checklist

Submission Procedure

  1. Interested author(s) shall submit their articles through
  2. All complaints should be forwarded to
  3. Subscribers should send a reminder to the editor if responses are not acknowledged.
  4. As soon as your manuscript is received, initial editorial review shall be done by the editorial board or designated personnel of the journal. You will be informed of the initial decision of the manuscripts
  5. If the article is suitable for the journal, then the manuscript shall be forwarded to the reviewers for blind review. As soon as the reviewers turn-in their reports, the reviewers comment shall be forwarded to you for necessary revision.
  6. Upon fulfilling all criteria for publication, letter of Acceptance shall be issued to respective author(s) for necessary revision in the manuscript after which the article would be forwarded to the publisher.


Journal Vision

The Editors have the vision to keep the journal standard to be in line with international best practices. In three years of publication, the editor shall endeavor to get the journal indexed by Scopus and ISI indexing and agencies.

Language Editing

Authors who show interest in our journal will be encouraged to ensure proper grammar editing is achieved before submission of manuscripts to BOUESTI-JSET.


Section default policy

Privacy Statement


1.0 Introduction

The BOUESTI Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, published by the Centre for Research and Development (CERAD) at Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science and Technology, Ikere Ekiti, is dedicated to advancing scholarly research in the field of education. This policy outlines the guidelines and procedures for managing the journal within the university library.

1.1 Access and Availability:

 BOUESTI Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology will be made available in electronic format through the university library's online portal.

  1. Access will be provided to university faculty, staff, students, and authorized external users.
  2. Archived issues may have restricted access based on publisher agreements or copyright restrictions.

1.2. Acquisition and Subscriptions.

  1. The university library will acquire a subscription to the BOUESTI Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology.
  2. Subscription renewals and cancellations will be managed by the library in consultation with the CERAD.
  3. Records of journal subscriptions, including subscription terms, renewal dates, and costs, will be maintained by the library.

1.3 Cataloging and Indexing

  1. The library will catalog all issues of the BOUESTI Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology using established metadata standards.
  2. Journal articles will be indexed and searchable within the library's catalog and discovery tools.
  3. Collaboration with the CERAD will ensure accurate indexing of journal content.


1.4. Preservation and Archiving

  1. The library will preserve digital copies of the BOUESTI Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology for long-term access and archival purposes.
  2. Secure storage and backup measures will be implemented to prevent loss or corruption of journal content.
  3. Best practices for digital preservation will be followed, including periodic data integrity checks and format migrations.

1.5. Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery

  1. Interlibrary loan services will be facilitated for articles not available in the university's collection.
  2. Document delivery services will fulfill requests for copies of journal articles from external libraries and institutions.
  3. Copyright compliance will be ensured for all interlibrary loan and document delivery transactions.

1.6. Usage Policies

  1. Users may access and download BOUESTI Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology content for personal, educational, and research purposes only.
  2. Commercial use of journal content is prohibited without prior permission.
  3. Users must adhere to copyright and licensing restrictions governing the use of journal content.

1.7. Policy Review and Revision

  1. This library policy for the BOUESTI Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology will be reviewed annually to ensure its effectiveness and relevance.
  2. Updates or revisions to the policy will be made as necessary.
  3. Changes to the policy will be communicated to library staff, faculty, and stakeholders

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.