Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): BOUESTI Journal of Science, Engineering & Technology


Francis Bosede, ADEBAYO
Department of Agriculture and Technology, School of Agriculture and Technology, Bamidele Olumilua University o f Education, Science a n d Technology, Ikere Ekiti, Ekiti State Nigeria.
Pius Olanrewaju OGUNJOBI
Department of Agriculture and Technology, School of Agriculture and Technology, Bamidele Olumilua University o f Education, Science a n d Technology, Ikere Ekiti, Ekiti State Nigeria.

Published 2024-05-02


  • Blood, Viscocity, Chromium, Poultry, Vitamin C


Blood viscosity of hens fed diets supplemented with graded levels of chromium picolinate
(CrPic) with or without vitamin C was examined with focus on the whole blood, blood
serum and blood plasma. Two Hundred and Sixteen Point of Lay Noiler Pullets which
was purchased from a reputable farm. The birds were assigned to 8 equal treatments in a
completely randomized design (CRD) using 2 x 4 factorial arrangement (2 levels of
vitamin C and 4 levels of CrPic). A basal diet was formulated, divided into eight equal
portions and diet 1 to 4 were supplemented with 0.00 mg/kg CrPic, 0.40 mg/kg CrPic,
0.80 mg/kg CrPic and 1.20 mg/kg CrPic and diets 5 to 8 were supplemented with 200
mg/kg vitamin C; 0.40 mg/kg CrPic and 200 mg vitamin C; 0.80 mg/kg CrPic and 200 mg
vitamin C and 1.20 mg/kg CrPic and 200 mg Vitamin C, respectively. The feeding trial
lasted for 16 weeks for project and all data collected were subjected to 2 x 4 factorial
arrangement (2 levels of vitamin C and 4 levels of CrPic). Statistical analysis using SAS
(version 9.2). There was a significant (P<0.05) CrPic, vitamin C and interactive effect on
all pararmeters measured. Whole blood (1.96cP), blood serum (1.35cP) and blood
plasma viscosity (1.07cP) recorded a higher value at 0.8 mg/kg CrPic while the least
value of the blood viscosities were recorded in control (0 mg/kg) CrPic. However, the
results of the whole blood, plasma and serum viscosity recorded in this study suggested
that the supplementation of Chromium picolinate with or without vitamin C
supplementation could negatively affect the blood viscosity of the pullets.


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